Young Person's Development Worker Service
How the YPDW Service will work for you...

The YPDW works alongside the Young Person’s Domestic Violence Adviser to provide medium to long term support to both female and male victims aged 16 to 21 years who are escaping and recovering from domestic abuse from partners or family members.
Bespoke Support
Outreach work one-to-one work with individuals, exploring thoughts and feelings supporting young people in resettling in a new home and community. Identifying risk and risk management, internet safety and healthy relationships liaising with education providers and problem solving coping strategies.
Download Service Leaflet - more details
Young Person's Youth Panel...
The YPDW facilitates a Young Person’s Youth Panel, helping inform and develop services for young people. The panel are given a voice to influence future service developments helping marginalised communities to be heard. The service works closely with education establishments and support networks in the community.
Type of support...
Support includes education on identifying healthy relationships and risk management.
Panel Members Role:
- Attend monthly meetings
- Liaise with other agencies
Benefits to Panel Members:
- Confidence building
- Public speaking skills
- Interpersonal skills
- Learning about risk management
What support can the development worker offer?
The role of the development worker is to support individuals who have been victims of domestic abuse, supporting you both emotionally and practically throughout the process.
How can you help me?
We can help and advise you about healthy and unhealthy relationships. Support you with the police and court process.
Liaise with partner agencies. Sign post you to counselling services, group work to rebuild your confidence and awareness of domestic abuse.
What is the Youth Panel?
The Youth Panel is a voluntary service and consists of a group of young females, ranging from the age of 16-21. The panel meet on a weekly basis and link in with partner agencies to look how we can change services in Bolton to enable young people to engage with services.
Do you have to be the victim of domestic abuse to join the Youth Panel?
You do not have to be the victim of domestic abuse to join the panel, however we would like people on the panel who have life experience of domestic abuse this may be directly or indirectly, a family member or friend may have experienced this and this has had an impact on you and you would like to use this platform to share your experiences and help other people and services to enable young people to speak up and ask for help.
How do you join the Youth Panel?
Contact our office and a member of the team will send out an application form to your address or via email.
When this is completed and returned a member of the team will be in contact to meet with you for an informal chat and discuss the role in detail.
Want to talk to us?
There are several ways you can contact us here at Endeavour. You can telephone Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 5.00pm
Tel: 01204 394 842
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