Pet Fostering
How our pet service works for you...

Endeavour always need volunteers living in the North West to become foster carers. Volunteer foster carers must be over 18 years of age and have experience of caring for pets.
During the placement you will receive ongoing advice and support from Endeavour staff and you will be able to contact the office any time you need help or advice.
All information concerning the pet owner and the foster carer placement is kept confidential. The owner is not able to visit their pet whilst in foster care but we will keep in touch with the pet foster carer on a regular basis and keep the owner updated on their pet’s wellbeing. Endeavour will provide access to veterinary care for foster pets where necessary. We also actively seek donations of pet food and equipment which we then pass onto foster carers.
If you’re interested in becoming a foster carer, please read the application pack and return your completed form to Endeavour, 340 Chorley Old Road, Bolton, BL1 4JU or e-mail to
Britain is a nation of animal lovers and many homes include pets as part of the family…
…but in homes where there is violence and abuse, pets are often threatened, injured or killed by violent perpetrators to maintain control over their partners and children. In a survey of 50 women pet owners living in refuges because of domestic violence, 2 out of 3 said their abuser had threatened to harm their pets; 38% said that he had actually harmed them and a massive 94% said if there had been a pet fostering service it would have made it easier for them and their children to escape the violence. Well over half had to give up their pets when going into the refuge as there was no other option.
In 1998, our pet fostering service for pet owners going into refuges or temporary accommodation in the North West was launched and has grown from strength to strength.
Endeavour aim to provide foster placements for all domestic pets including cats, reptiles, fish and small furry animals. We work in partnership with the Dogs Trust Freedom Project to foster dogs.
If you are ready to leave… Endeavour can help.
Download Service Leaflet - more details
How do I get help?
If you are suffering violence in the home, phone your local domestic violence helpline or refuge for advice. These calls are totally confidential and you will talk to a trained woman worker who can advise you on all your options.
If my partner harms me, will he harm my children and my pets?
It is quite likely that your partner may threaten to hurt your children or your pets as a way of keeping his control over you and making you do what he says. Some violent men will actually try to carry out their threats, so you need to think carefully about your next step and take good advice from people who know.
You may decide that you are all in too much danger and need to get out of the situation. If you can, have an emergency plan for yourself, your children and your pets.
If I go into a refuge, who will look after my pets?
Try to find a friend or family member to look after your pet. If this isn’t possible, when you have decided to leave, phone the helpline or refuge as soon as you can to let them know you need a placement for your animals. They will contact Endeavour who will look for a temporary foster home for your pets.
What if I have to go into a refuge quickly and leave my pets behind?
Be sure to ask for a police escort to accompany you to your home to collect your pets and other possessions. The refuge workers can advise you on this.
How do I get my pets to the foster home?
Once a placement has been found for your pets, Endeavour will contact you through the refuge. You will need to get your pets to the refuge or another safe place and we will then collect them. This will be done as quickly as possible.
Could my partner trace me through my pet?
No. Endeavour pet fostering service has been specially designed so that you cannot be traced through your pets. Only trained women volunteers and workers who understand how important it is to maintain the strictest confidentiality will know where you and your animals are. The people who foster your pets will not know where you are. Dogs will not be fostered in the a rea where you are from.
To maintain safety, you will not be able to visit your pet – but Endeavour will make sure your pets are well looked after and we will send you letters and photographs to let you know how they are doing.
Does my pet need to be up-to-date with vaccinations?
It is always a good idea for your cat or dog to have regular vaccinations. However, we know that for many people this is not possible. We will assume that your pet has not been vaccinated unless you can bring its vaccination certificate with it. If it has been vaccinated, it will be easier for Endeavour to find a placement.It is always a good idea for your cat or dog to have regular vaccinations. However, we know that for many people this is not possible. We will assume that your pet has not been vaccinated unless you can bring its vaccination certificate with it. If it has been vaccinated, it will be easier for Endeavour to find a placement.
What should I take with me when moving my pet to safety?
If you are able to plan for your pets departure, try to have the following pet items in a safe place and out of your partner’s reach:
- Cat carriers
- Medication, if any
- Vaccination certificate
- Information sheet on what and how you feed your pet, medical conditions, likes/ dislikes, any possible behavioural problems
- Bowls, bedding, toys, grooming brushes, favourite blanket etc.
NOTE: Unconfined cats can become very scared and escape. It is important that you bring them to us in a secure pet carrier.
Would my pets be better off if I put them up for adoption?
Only you can make that decision. Endeavour can help by fostering your pet while you are in the refuge – but inevitably some women will decide that it is better all round if they find their pet a new home. Giving up a beloved pet is sad; but realising that a pet is safe and happy in a new home can make the decision to leave a violent situation easier.
Your local animal rescue centre might be able to find a permanent home for your pet. Try to give them as much information about its background, behaviour, likes and dislikes as you can.
If you decide this is for the best, you may want to take some photographs of your pet for you and your children to keep.
Want to talk to us?
There are several ways you can contact us here at Endeavour. You can telephone Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 5.00pm
Tel: 01204 394 842
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