Panah Project
How Endeavour's Panah Project will work for you

The Endeavour Panah Project is a FREE personal service designed to support individuals and families from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic (BAME), backgrounds who are victims and survivors experiencing domestic abuse and or violence.
Panah Project service is totally committed to ensuring confidentiality for everyone who uses the service in order to maximise your safety and the safety of your children.
Once you are referred, you will be contacted by a member of the Panah Project team. If you accept their services you will first of all meet with the adviser on a one-to-one basis to discuss your options.
Download Service Leaflet - more details
Using the Panah Project Service
We will always obtain your consent to share information with other agencies. Exceptions may occur when it is considered that seeking consent may put you at significant risk of harm, or where it is thought a child is at risk of suffering significant harm.
As a result of this meeting there will normally be a support plan drawn up between you and your adviser which will include actions that you both agree to complete.
Our priority is to ensure we provide the necessary support, information and advice on the rights and entitlements to help empower women and their families experiencing domestic violence.
‘Empowering victims/survivors by taking positive action’
Support may take the form of a combination of the following:
- Home based if deemed safe Support in a culturally safe community setting
- One-to-one work with individuals and members of their family
- Emotional support following experiencing DAV in a culturally safe and confidential environment
- Practical support and guidance in seeking support from agencies in the borough
- Safety planning (how to stay or leave safely) and referral to MARAC
- Support contacting the police and reporting incidents
- Liaising with local immigration services for women who have no recourse to public funds (NRPF)
- Resettlement for women fleeing domestic abuse and also assisting in seeking temporary or refuge accommodation
- Advice for housing, benefits and legal options
- Support for women experiencing forced marriage, FGM and HBV
If you are ready to leave… Endeavour can help.
My parents want me to marry my cousin from abroad but I don’t want to get married. What can I do?
As an individual it is important to recognise that your views and wishes are most paramount to any decision you have to make and the support from family can make a massive impact to this. Sometimes there are times where people will not agree and it is important that you are able to express your thoughts without causing distress to your family who you love.
Marriage is a union based on consent and if you are feeling that your consent is not being considered then you can get support to see what options you have to prevent this from happening. There are protection orders which can be applied for to ensure you are not forced into a marriage and if you require further information or support on this you can contact the services below for further guidance. Similarly if you do not want to do this then you will not be pressured and your views will remain at the forefront.
Guidance on ensuring your safety can be provided and assistance to services also so you are not going through this on your own.
I have been in an abusive marriage for 15 years, I want to leave and to somewhere safe away from my husband. Can I get help?
Leaving an abusive relationship is a brave step and the most hardest for someone who has lived in fear. There is help available through various means, social media, and telephone and face to face- you are not alone and will be supported in the best way possible.
Firstly it is important you leave safely and are not placed at further risk and so to do this it would be important that you speak to a professional who can talk things through with you and a safe plan exit can be explored.
There are safe places across the country and you can be supported in seeking accommodation that will ensure you are kept safe – this will remain confidential.
If you are at immediate risk you need to ring the police for assistance on either 999 or log and report incidents/ ongoing abuse on 111
If you do not want to leave immediately then you can be supported by leaving in a planned way and we can liaise with local and national services to ensure you can be safeguarded. At Endeavour, we liaise with refuges across the country and can make a referral if this suits or we can advise clients to attend Housing Options services in Bolton to seek temporary accommodation.
Similarly if you require emergency accommodation you can contact them after hours on 01204 337777
I am unable to speak English fluently, will I be able to get support in my own language around support for domestic abuse I am suffering?
DV affects people from all walks of life and from all nationalities and community groups. At Endeavour we aim to provide a holistic package of support for all victims who are unable to communicate in English.
We have access to interpreting services whom are readily able to assist either face to face or over the phone- whichever the client suits. Similarly we also have staff members who are able to converse in some community languages and this can be established on initial contact.
We have leaflets in various languages about the service we offer/ provide and these can be made available upon request.
Most services including the Police aim to meet the needs of victims of domestic abuse by addressing needs and support via use of language services to prevent further harm and safeguard victims and their families.
What support can be offered to me by the Panah Project service?
Panah Project supports victims and survivors of domestic abuse who are from Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic community.
A personal bespoke package of support is offered to the clients based on their individual needs and presentation to the service.
The service:
- Aims to empower victims in taking positive action by reducing the risk of potential harm and improving their choices.
- Provides advocacy support in expressing views and wishes of the client to professionals and services
- Undertakes a multiagency working approach to tackling the abuse and a co-ordinated support package is provided
Practical support and assistance is provided alongside emotional support also.
These can include in issues such as housing, benefits, dv and healthy relationship work, immigration advice assistance and reporting matters to police or undertaking legal advice.
I do not wish to report my abuser to the police for fear of repercussions from my family and abusers extended family. Will I still be able to receive support?
The Panah Project at Endeavour strives to protect and support victims/ survivors of domestic abuse. The service is confidential and will do the upmost to ensure the client is able to get the right package of support from the service. You will not be pressured or forced into taking any steps you may be uncomfortable with; you will be assisted and supported along the way and the support will not change due to a decision made.
Due to safeguarding protocols we have to inform the client at the start of the service introduction of the policies we have and consent will be taken from the client to ensure they are happy for their information to be shared; however should a safeguarding matter arise involving a victim, their child or a family member then steps to inform the relevant services will be taken but the client will be informed about this so they are aware.
At Endeavour we ensure the clients wishes, thoughts and feelings remain at the forefront of the support being offered and provided.
Want to talk to us?
There are several ways you can contact us here at Endeavour. You can telephone Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 5.00pm
Tel: 01204 394 842
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